There’s hundreds of Pittsburgh area Restaurant Families simply devastated by covid 19 shutdowns.
On Sunday Dec. 20th at 8pm join some of Pittsburgh’s Best acts – featuring music by Cherylann Hawk, John Vento, David Granati, Bethany James, Miss Freddye Stover, The String Theory, Dave August of NOMAD, Soulful Femme, Shelley Duff, Cathy Stewart, Pierce Dipner, Todd Jones, Justin Sellars (of the Vagrants) Donna Occhipinti and Todd Bryant (of Four on The Floor), as they play their favorite Holiday songs as we try to raise much needed funds for the Pittsburgh Restaurant Workers AID group.
Catch the show at the “Give A Little bit” FB site.
Pittsburgh..we need your help.
They’ve been there for us, let’s be there for them.