Searrah Bierker Selected as National Youth Delegate for Prestigious Conference at George Mason University
Student leaders to travel to Washington D.C.
for highly-selective environment forum
News from George Mason University’s Washington Youth Summit on the Environment
For more information contact: Richard Friesner, (703) 993-5010,
FAIRFAX, VA (02/01/2019)–
Searrah Bierker, a student at Hampton High School, has been selected to represent Gibsonia, Pennsylvania as a National Youth Delegate to the 2019 Washington Youth Summit on the Environment at George Mason University.
Bierker joins a select group of 300 students from across the country to participate in an intensive, week-long study of leadership in environmental science and conservation. Bierker was chosen based on academic accomplishments and a demonstrated interest and excellence in leadership in the sciences and conservation studies.
George Mason University along with partners, National Geographic and the National Zoo are excited to welcome the nation’s young scholars to Washington, D.C. With distinguished faculty, guest speakers, and direct access to elite D.C. practitioners, the Washington Youth Summit on the Environment offers aspiring environmentalists and student leaders an unparalleled experience. The week-long program is held at George Mason University’s state-of-the-art campus. The Summit will encourage and inspire young leaders who desire a unique experience focused on successful careers in this dynamic industry.
The Washington Youth Summit on the Environment will be held June 23 to 28, 2019.
About Searrah Bierker
Searrah Bierker is a junior at Hampton Area High School where she is on the varsity cross country team, active in theatrical arts and an officer in the Latin Club. She is active at the Pittsburgh Zoo and PPG Aquarium as a Zoo U student, conservation leadership program and volunteer. She has successfully completed an apprenticeship in leadership at Point Park University. She is also a candidate for the National Honor Society class of 2020.
Searrah’s Fundraising Efforts
Since participation in this event will incur considerable expenses. Searrah has decided to try to raise money to offset costs for this opportunity. Her go Fund me page is available at.
About George Mason University
George Mason University is setting the gold standard for the modern, public university. Its dynamic culture and innovative academic programs prepare Mason’s hard-working students for 21st century careers. Its commitment to teaching excellence combines with cutting-edge research that enriches the academic experience and is changing the world. Mason is affordable, yet offers high value. Ideally located in the National Capital region, students enjoy terrific cultural experiences and access to the most sought-after internships and employers in the country.
About the 2019 Washington Youth Summit on the Environment
The Washington Youth Summit on the Environment (WYSE) is a unique student leadership conference designed to develop and encourage future leaders in the important field of environmental studies and conservation in the 21st century. The Advisory Board is chaired by Mark Bauman, Senior Vice President of the Smithsonian Institution’s Enterprises Division. Additional members include world renowned scholars, distinguished scientists and award winning university faculty, such as Dr. Tom Lovejoy, noted environmentalist and former executive vice president of the World Wildlife Fund. Delegates gain an insider look at environmental science, policy and conservation issues. For more information visit us online at
The Washington Youth Summit on the Environment | 4400 University Drive | MSN 3A4 | Fairfax, VA 22030